Colleges Check Social Media
by CJ Vredenburg

      Colleges will check social media so they feel that they know more about things about the applicant. Social media is a whole new side to people and if u don't watch what you say then you could lose a opportunity at a certain college. People focus on social media and most people don't really think too much about what they put on there and they just put what they feel at that moment which can cause lots of misunderstandings and could really hurt your college career. So everyone needs to be careful what they put on it.

         Social media is becoming more of practice for teens and young adults. Which means that there is more types of social media and new things coming out on them. Social media is causing lots of people to make comments so they can hide behind the screen which is why colleges should check there social media so they can stay connected. Do i think it should replace there grades and work for whether to accept them or not? no but it should be taken int consideration especially for sports and other activities.

       Colleges are trying to get themselves more connected to students and have all of it not just be about grades and have it be more connected with 21st century devices and ways to connect with peers. Everyone should be careful or maybe delete your account when you become a senior and just make a new one. Its not like the colleges will try and get into deleted accounts they will just look at whatever one can see, you could even turn your account on private. So i think one tip is just get rid of it.

     One thing that surprised me was how they hire people just to have this job. But saving one person from being a huge struggle to the school would be worth paying this one person. Also professors don't have the time to know students personally or search there social media. So hiring someone to do it will make it so everyone can do other things and one person can focus on doing it. Personally i think that they should check social media and that its huge part of someones life.


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