This is my sketch-up table and chairs project. I used components so that all chairs are equal and measurements are correct. This table is made of wood textiles and has long legs so that its noticeable and stands out
Animation Reflection
This is my Animation reflection. I used many different things this year such as green screening, special effects, 2d animation and 3D modeling. These are all things i learned and we took steps of copying what Mr.Netterville did then we repeated and added our own sweet touch to each thing. I think technology was a huge takeaway because i have developed and learned many thing about working with computers and typing faster and just being better at editing pictures and manipulating them to what i like. The first thing we focused on was 2d animation and it was pretty easy for me and i helped a lot people but i liked all the things we did because they encouraged us to be individuals. I think this helped us l earn about technology because we put a lot of pieces together and learned about parts of technology and what we needed to do to complete our project while using all the things we have to our disposal. Another takeaway was L...
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