Stand and Deliver Trailer

 Production: I would say that we had a good overall project production but we should have started filming before because we had to rush due to time constraints. This project was hard to produce because making a trailer isn't easy due to the fact movie studios make the movie clips then the trailer but we had to just produce a trailer which includes a lot of extras and costumes. A big difficulty we had was our trailer had a lot of extras with shots that were 2/3 of a second long which is hard to time out well. The easiest part was the settings, our trailer had a small amount of settings so we did not have to find very many places to film at but all the shots are so different that lots of costumes were needed.
 Planning: The biggest part of planning was getting costumes and people to film with, I think a hard part was getting extras because everyone else was making videos which didn't give us much options for extras but we were told to do edit for edit and shot for shot so we tried the best we could and there was so much more shots than we accounted for so i think planning we didn't do very good at so it hurt us in the long run so next time we should plan actual shots and times for each one. 
 Filming: i think that filming was what we succeeded at because we went in with the time we had and got stuff done, we didn't waste our time we did all the shots we could fit and imported them so even though our settings aren't perfect we made sure that it made sense which is important so a viewer isn't confused the whole time and the background is most of the picture. We didn't always set camera up super well or white balance but we got lucky that no shots looked really unstable.
 Overall: I would say for how rushed our video was, i think it  turned out well because you still got the base of shots with good timing and cast. I did not enjoy this project because the movie wasn't fun or personal to me and it just was too challenging for not that great of an outcome but i learned some skills that i can definitely use in my future videos that will make all of them more enjoyable and professional than the rest.


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