Action movie kid

The movie that i reviewed was a youtube star known as action movie kid and it is just videos of a kid running around but special effects are added in so his toys actually shoot or his toys will blow up or fly away. I would say that all these special effects are well done because obviously they aren't real but they are well done and look like they could be real. I would say this is a well done clips because he is most likely using same equipment we do yet his look real and so this was a good choice to review because he just has more skill so if i can learn to do things like him and practice i could have 70 million views he does and this is why i would love this channel. This channel is just normal daily life things that he uses special effects to completely change and he makes many different things happen in a normal house with a normal kid so he really is just adding effects and not faking all of the setting with the green screen. Red giant is what he is using so he just takes tutorials and makes them better and focuses on how he can apply them to real life and not look like its all fake.


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